Growth Mindset - A LEARNING CURVE

 For part of my week 2 tasks, I had to dive into the differences between fixed and growth mindsets. I was so happy to see this as part of the tasks for this week because this is something I had read into before. Last year in my acting course, it was almost drilled into us that making mistakes is NOT A BAD THING and is actually a good thing. 

For example, from a young age I was taught that going to auditions and not getting the part, is not a bad thing! It's all about experiences, and there's so many factors that come into play. Instead I was told that every failed audition is a learning curve towards the right audition and that a "No" now, is because a better "Yes" is coming! (One of my favourite sayings!) 

A really interesting read on this below:

I do still believe that in some parts of my life I still have a fixed mindset. For example, with regards to materialistic things like money and cars etc. At the moment I've just sold my old car and currently on the lookout for a new car. My mindset has been nearly toxic doing this the last week or so, every car I've seen or wanted has either been sold or there's something structurally wrong with it, so many things have gone wrong that I dug myself into a fixed mindset that at this stage, I'll never get a car! So having this task to look into this week has dragged me back out of that mindset, I will find a car and probably a better one than before! And also, for gods sake, it's only a car. 

I feel luckier than most as usually I've always had a very open mind about everything in my life. I've always believed that I can literally do anything.. and if you knew me you'd know I mean that literally. There's no task in my mind that I've ever turned down because it's been "too hard" or I'm "too girly" for. Put a drill in front of me and I will fix that frame. Put me in a speedboat that won't start and best believe we'll be out on the water by that evening. It's all about your mindset. 


  1. Hi Robyn, I liked to read your blog, and to know about your hobbies and your point of views in Growth Mindset. And thanks for sharing the interesting and informative link about Developing a Mindset for Acting success. And I would like to wish you to visit all the countries you are mentioned. Good luck.


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