
Showing posts from February, 2021

Unity Tutorial 03

 This week we furthered our progress with creating a game on unity.  I enjoyed this tutorial for once as I found it made my game look a lot more advanced with just a few steps. We added a health bar to our character and managed to get it to decrease when in contact with a damaging object or an enemy.  The first part I found a little hard as I do still struggle with wrapping my head around coding. I managed to code the five lives and for it to decrease when losing lives. I found this interesting as I remember playing games like this when I was younger.  I found the second part a little easier, I struggled with the coding again but I was so interested by the process that I didn't give up. We created a danger zone for our character and learned how to create a moving enemy to decrease the health bar when it came in contact with our character.  I am starting to get excited to see where these skills will stand to me in the future! My HealthCollectible Script

Planning - Here we go Again!

 Hey Everyone! Welcome back to my blog for semester 2, I hope everyone reading this had an amazing Christmas. It's going to be weird getting back into things and getting back into writing my blog posts but certainly nothing I can't handle! This week we are planning our ideas for the rest of the semester. The topic I decided to write about for the document is "Music in Gaming". Music Waves  I chose this topic because I slighted touched off it in the first semester and thought it was really interesting. I knew I would be able to create a document of high level because it's something I'm interested in. There is a lot of information on this topic to research also which was important to me; I didn't want to run out of stuff to write about. I am also really into my music, which is another reason I chose this! I love music and always have, so that helps!  Here are some keywords I chose to research this topic: Motivation Stamina  Imagery Mood Themes Challenges Str...